Saturday, March 29, 2025

DA-PRDP, World Bank, EU visit IREAP enterprise in Damulog for 16th ISM

DAMULOG, Bukidnon – The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project, together with the World Bank (WB) and the European Union (EU) visited the Crumb Rubber Processing and Marketing Enterprise subproject of the Migcawayan Tribal Agricultural
Cooperative (MTAC) on November 16, 2023, as part of the 16th Implementation Support Mission (ISM)

Bukidnon Governor Rogelio Neil Roque welcomed the WB and the EU team to the province of Bukidnon and thanked them for their assistance to MTAC and the province.

Mio Takada, WB Task Team Leader to PRDP said that the main objective of the mission is to hear from the proponent group on their preparation for the implementation of the given subproject, which includes addressing their apprehensions and constraints and providing direction to the group.

Further, the apprehensive about constraints that they are facing so they can address and provide direction for them.

Meanwhile, Mojca Krisper-Figueroa, EU Programme Manager, is glad that the EU was able to join the ISM for the first time and visit the subproject site.

“It’s great that the existing facilities are running, and there is enhanced workforce labor and enhanced price increase in the production, which is actually good. We are happy to be here, learn from you and exchange ideas with you, and of course, if there is something that we can do for
the cooperative, we are happy to assist,” Figueroa added.

DA-10 Regional Technical Director for Operations and DA-PRDP Deputy Project Director (DPD) Carlota S. Madriaga affirmed the department’s commitment after noticing the perseverance, dedication, and drive of MTAC towards the success of the subproject.

Funded under DA-PRDP’s second additional financing (AF2) and European Union Co-Financing Grant, the medium enterprise proposed by MTAC has a subproject cost of Php 80,971,551.00 and will benefit greatly from the cooperative members, including a huge number of women, indigenous people, and rubber farmers in the barangay and nearby areas as it provides livelihood for them once the operation starts.

Gracing the activity are the WB team composed of Ning Bondoc, Shubham Singh, Mario Orilla, Cora Dankers, Tomas Sta. Maria, Gomer Tumbali, and Maya Villaluz, with representatives from the PRDP National Project Coordinating Office.

Also present in the activity are the Project Support Office Mindanao team led by DPD Noel Provido, the LGU of Damulog headed by Mayor Melino Buro, the Regional Project Coordinating Office 10 team, Migcawayan barangay officials, and MTAC members. (pr)

PRPD capacitates LGUs on the citizens’ monitoring team for Bukidnon sub-projects

VALENCIA CITY – The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project 10 (DA-PRDP 10), together with the Project Support Office Mindanao (PSO Mindanao) conducts the Citizens Monitoring Team (CMT) training for the local government units (LGUs) in Bukidnon with ongoing PRDP subprojects (SPs) on January 31 to February 3, 2023, in this city

Joseph Rico, PSO Mindanao monitoring and evaluation unit head said that the training aims to enable the involved LGUs, including the citizens and beneficiaries of different SPs to learn the process and mechanisms of monitoring them.

Rico stressed that the CMT training will ensure proper subproject implementation in accordance with the policies and guidelines set by the World Bank.

Meanwhile, DA-Regional Project Coordination Office 10 headed by OIC-Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado encouraged the attendees to exercise their roles as watchdogs of SPs.

“Being the co-owner of SPs, it is your responsibility to monitor the construction which should be aligned to the World Bank policies and guidelines and ensure its quality, durability, and sustainability.”

The participants are expected to be equipped with skills in monitoring the phases of SPs and to recommend corrective actions, should there be any.

Present are representatives from the LGUs of Manolo Fortich, Lantapan, and Valencia City, Bukidnon. (DA RFO-10)