Friday, March 21, 2025


By Kaylene P. HardingPrimary General Advisory Council On an early Monday morning, a group of willing volunteersgathered to help clean the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple.Assignments were given, and as several volunteers and Ifollowed our assigned supervisor, we quickly realized she wasleading us to the celestial room.When we entered the room, we immediately noticed thatthe huge,...
Simplifying your life will bring balance, freedom, andjoy. When we begin to live simply and experience thesebenefits, we ask the next question, “Where else in my lifecan I remove distractions and simplify life to focus on theessentials?” Once we can answer that, we will understandwhat is vital in our lives. Too many material possessionscomplicate our...
As the start of a new year approaches, taking stock of our lives and prioritizing our health and well-being is essential. The importance of good physical and mental health cannot be overstated, as it affects every aspect of life, from work to family relationships and overall happiness. For those looking to improve their family’s health...
Trying to motivate yourself to exercise can be challenging. How can you find time to fit a workout rou-tine into your day on top of your already busy schedule? Follow these tips to find ways to get physical activity and experience the mental and physical health benefits it provides. Setting goals can help you visualize...
By Brother Milton CamargoFirst Counselor in the Sunday School General Presidency One of my favorite parables in the New Testament is the parable of the sower, as found in Matthew 13:3–23 (see also Mark 4:3–20; Luke 8:5–15). In this parable, the ways people receive the word (the seed) are compared to different types of soil....
One of the sad truths about the world today is that most people look upon work as something to es-cape from. To them, this significant part of life is a necessary evil, even an obstacle to the life they dream about. From plenty of personal conversations, some people choose simplicity to escape work. That’s not...